The BODHI International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science (E-ISSN:2456-5571) is open access, peer reviewed, refereed and quarterly journal, which is powered & published by Center for Resource, Research and Publication Services, (CRRPS) India. It is committed to bring together academicians, research scholars and students from all over the world who work professionally to upgrade status of academic career and society by their ideas and aims to promote interdisciplinary studies in the fields of humanities, arts and science.

The journal welcomes publications of quality papers on research in humanities, arts, science. agriculture, anthropology, education, geography, advertising, botany, business studies, chemistry, commerce, computer science, communication studies, criminology, cross cultural studies, demography, development studies, geography, library science, methodology, management studies, earth sciences, economics, bioscience, entrepreneurship, fisheries, history, information science & technology, law, life sciences, logistics and performing arts (music, theatre & dance), religious studies, visual arts, women studies, physics, fine art, microbiology, physical education, public administration, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, population studies, social science, sociology, social welfare, linguistics, literature and so on.

The journal invites balanced mix of theoretical or empirical, conceptual papers to publish including research articles, case studies, review papers, comparative studies, dissertation chapters, reports of projects in progress, analytical and simulation models, technical notes, and book reviews, leading academicians, business peoples, corporate sectors, researcher scholars and students from academic institutions, research organizations, non – governmental organizations (NGOs), corporate sectors, civil societies, industries, and others from India and abroad.

  • Submit your article by email to
  • The manuscripts/papers should be research based or related, original and comprise of previously unpublished material and must be presented following scientific methodology.
  • Authors must send an abstract of the paper not exceeding 250 words, all manuscripts must be in font style of Times New Roman, size: 12, line spacing: double spaced and submitted only in MS Word 2003/ 2007 version.
  • All manuscripts should follow the MLA or APA style manual. The full paper must not exceed 3000 words, including tables and references.
  • The manuscript should be well-organized to have Title page, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Literature Survey, Problem Definition, Material & Methods, Findings & Results, Interpretation & Discussion, Conclusion and References.
  • All quoted, reproduced material should clearly be referenced.
  • Tables and figures should appear in the document near / after where they are referenced in the text.
  • All contents should be original – authors’ own words, ideas, findings and arguments.
  • Tables and figures should appear in the document near / after where they are referenced in the text. All figures and tables must have an intelligible caption in relation to the text.
  • Photographs must be sharp, and exhibit good contrast.
  • Correct and complete referencing of quoted and reproduced material is the obligation of the author. In the text, references should be inserted in parentheses in full.
  • If author uses a reference from an out-source, author should cite relevant source giving credit to the original author/contributor.
  • Review of Article / Manuscript
  • The manuscript will be numbered and sent to the review committee for review-report.
  • The author will be intimated of the review and the process will take a maximum period of 15 – 20 days.
  • Authors are advised to adhere to the ethics of publication of his/her article to be considered for publication.
  • Acknowledgement of the original ideas, borrowed from other sources is imperative.
  • The authors of original research work (previously unpublished / under process for the publication elsewhere) should be an accurate submission of the work carried out, provide the rationale of the significance of the research work in context with previous works, and should contain sufficient details to allow others for further research.
  • It will be the wholesome responsibility of the authors for such lapses if any on legal bindings and against ethical code of publication or communication media.
  • The publisher & editors will not be held responsible for any such lapse of the contributor regarding plagiarism and unwarranted quotations in their manuscripts.
  • All submissions should be original and must have a “statement of declaration” assuring their research paper as an original and fresh work and it has not been published anywhere else.
  • It will be authors are sole responsibility for such lapses, if any on legal bindings and ethical code of publication.
  • Contributors are advised to be aware about Plagiarism and ensure their paper is beyond plagiarism as per UGC norms.

Peer review exists to ensure that journals publish article which is of benefit to entire research community. Peer reviewers’ comments and recommendations are an essential guide to inform the editor’s decision on a manuscript that revisions and improvement. They are part of the publication process and actually help raise the quality of the manuscript. It also helps the readers to trust the research integrity of the article.

  1. The Editor-in-Chief will primarily examine each manuscript.
  2. The editor-in- Chief will advise the authors about the acceptance of the manuscript by email.
  3. The manuscript will be evaluated on parameters of originality, practical importance, subject relevance, scientific level and contribution to the current academic scenario.
  4. If the manuscript is accepted following publication policies.
  5. Accepted manuscript will be forwarded to the double-blind peer review process. Such that the journal does not disclose the identity of the reviewer(s) to the author(s) and does not disclose the identity of the author(s) to the reviewer(s).
  6. The review committee is not responsible for stripping of any information during panel review as the original author is not known to the committee.
  7. Manuscript/paper will be published only when the article is ‘commended for publication’ from the review committee/editorial board.
  8. If necessary the copy-editing work will be done by the members of the Editorial Board.
  9. The review process may take minimum 20 working days.
  10. In case of acceptance of the manuscript and commended for publication favorably, the manuscript will be published in online mode of time. If paper/article/manuscript is not commended for publication, the rejected manuscripts shall not be returned.

Submission of an article implies that the work described has not been published previously (except in the form of an abstract or as part of a published lecture or academic thesis), that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere, that its publication is approved by all authors and tacitly or explicitly by the responsible authorities where the work was carried out, and that, if accepted, will not be published elsewhere in the same form, in English or in any other language, without the written consent to the Publisher. The Editors reserve the right to edit or otherwise alter all contributions, but authors will receive proofs for approval before publication.

Copyrights for articles published in Bodhi International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Science are retained by the authors, with first publication rights granted to the journal. The journal/publisher is not responsible for subsequent uses of the work. It is the author's responsibility to bring any infringement action if so desired by the author.

The journal will be indexed as per database norms. The Indexing will provide the manuscript to achieve its purpose of being accessible to worldwide readers. Easy accessible will increase as manuscript’s and journal’s reputation. It will be a source of the quality information in respective areas/studies.

We may collect the contact details from authors like names, designation with Institutional address, email addresses, postal address, phone numbers and other information to understand needs and provide with a better service that are entered in this journal site and will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal.

BODHI is a quarterly journal, will be published in January, April, July and October on respective Years.

Quarterly review committee meeting will be convened by the editor-in-chief. Authors are expected to submit their manuscript before 20 working days of the publication of the respective month. The journal will be published regularly as per Journal publication policy.

As per our journal policy, No article-processing charge (APC) or publication fee to publish your articles in Bodhi International Journal.

Authors are kindly advised to send manuscripts along with registration & copyright forms. (Duly filled-in Registration form is mandatory with the paper for acceptance) Soft copy of the papers should be mailed to

Bodhi will be published as special issues for the national / international conference and seminars volumes. The group of papers also will be published in Bodhi journal.

Download - Registration Form

Last Date of Submission

Month of Issue Last Date of Submission
October September 10th
January December 10th
April March 10th
July June 10th


Call for Papers: Article invites for October Issue. Last Date for submission is 10.09.2024.